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R Packages

This is a list of R packages related to or affiliated with Wikimedia Foundation, some authored by me and some authored by my former co-analyst Os Keyes.

Wikimedia API wrappers

Traffic (pageviews, unique devices), user (e.g. active editors), and content-based metrics (e.g. edits counts, pages counts) from Wikimedia Analytics Query Service | Available on GitHub
For Pageviews API from entire projects to per-article levels of granularity | Available on CRAN
For the MediaWiki API, aimed particularly at WMF projects like Wikipedia and can be used to retrieve page text, information about users or the history of pages, and elements of the category tree | Available on CRAN
For the Wikidata store of semantic data | Available on CRAN
For querying Wikidata with SPARQL using Wikidata Query Service | Available on CRAN


Uses stats.grok.se API, which has historical Wikipedia pageview data for 2008 up to 2016 from these pageview count dumps, while pageviews uses the Pageviews API for counts from 2015 onwards
Little R utility package for making time series data more machine learning-friendly | Available on GitHub
Bayesian analysis of 2×2 contingency tables | Available on GitHub