acceptance test - (pg 85) - ensures that the acceptance criteria for a story are met
functional acceptance tests - (pg 85) - acceptance tests that test the functionality of the system
nonfunctional acceptance tests - (pg 91) - acceptance tests that test qualities of a system other than functionality (e.g., capacity, availability, security)
happy path - (pg 85) - single canonical path through the application in terms of the actions that the user will perform
showcase - (pg 90) - demonstrate new functionality that has been delivered
integration test - (pg 96) - test which ensure that each independent part ofyour application works correctly with the services it depends on
Types of Tests
Test Quadrant diagram
Business-facing tests that support development
Functional testing
"Abstraction layer between your tests and your UI" (pg 88), i.e., Cucumber
Happy path
Should run with your system in production-like env